Mary Morgan Inducted Into Martin Kiwanis


Mary Morgan, 4-H Youth Development Agent in the Weakley County Extension Office, Dresden, was inducted into the Kiwanis Club of Martin at the June 21 meeting of the group.
Those attending the ceremony included Kiwanis President Ann Gathers and Steve Lemond, Mary’s Kiwanis sponsor.
Mary has given several presentations for Kiwanis about her work with area 4-H youth who participate in clubs, special interest groups, after-school programs, camps, and many other activities.
At the Farmers Market on Saturday, Mary chatted with market goers, shared information about June Dairy Month with the theme “Journey to the Center of the Dairy Farm,” and demonstrated how butter is made from cream.
Through Mary’s ongoing work in the community, she truly embodies the 4-H principle of “learning by doing” and the Kiwanis theme of “serving the children of the world, one child and one community at a time.” The Weakley County Extension Office is a part of The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture.