By Shannon Taylor, Editor
ARPA funds were discussed at the Sharon board meeting held Monday, February 12. The city had ARPA funds and according to Mayor Donna Stricklin they have been using the funds, however, Stricklin said she noticed that there’s a balance of $20,405. Stricklin said she plans on having Regina Lewis, City Recorder, to go through and make sure if any of the money was voted to previously be spent.
The city’s personnel policy was also discussed. Stricklin said the policy had been modified previously, however, she contacted an MTAS HR consultant to have the policy reviewed due to some questions she had concerning the policy including hiring requirements being left out. After the policy is reviewed the board will receive a copy to go over for final approval.
The city received 18 applications for the city clerk position and the board members picked their top three for the interview process which will be done by Stricklin and Alderman Joe Jones this week. The results will be announced at the March board meeting.
Stricklin reminded the board that she has been acting as CMFO for the city and last month she had 18.5 hours and that she was supposed to be doing a minimum of 16 hours per month and had only been turning in her time once per month. The board made a motion to approve her hours as needed.
An Easter Egg Hunt, hosted by the city, is in the works with a date to be announced at a later time. Those wanting to donate plastic eggs can do so by bringing them to city hall for the Parks and Recreation Director, Bill Bostwick to use in organizing the event. This event will be held at the city park and Bostwick said he would fill the city in more at the next board meeting.
Four service lines and three six inch water main breaks were repaired according to Water and Sewer Department Director, Greg Evans. Evans said he has been asked numerous times why the water main keeps breaking and he said it’s due to age. “The water main is old and is made of cast iron pipe,” Evans stated.
Evans said that he will be checking on the cost to replace it , but it runs from the Highway at the four way stop all the way down to the park. Evans said the line was temporarily repaired.
Ten loads of brush were picked up and five loads of leaves. “If you have leaves you need to get them out,” Evans stated. The city will stop picking up leaves by the end of February.
Fire and Police Chief Gary Eddings stated that the Fire Department has been using a thermal imager for the past 18 years that they received from a grant and that he would like to get the boards approval for a new one. Eddings said he had received some bids around $3,700. A Fire Department fundraising account could be used for the funds, but Eddings stated that he would prefer the city to buy it and discuss that between now and next month’s meeting.
The next board meeting will be held on Monday, March 11 at 6:30 p.m. at Sharon City Hall.