

"There is no other praise. We cannot fetch anything from elsewhere and bring it to God, but the praises of God are simply the facts about himself" (C.H.Spurgeon).

The word "blessed" comes from a Greek word that, when directed toward God, means "to praise, celebrate with praises." 1 Peter 1:3 begins Peter's letter with a doxology. He is praising God for the work He has done. Why does he declare God "blessed?" Why praise Him? Three reasons to do so may be found in this context.

First, He is Blessed because He is God, the Father. Our Master (Lord) is Jesus, the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One, the King). God is His Father - the Father of our Master. He is the one God of Heaven. We have been added to that family, so we have an inheritance we will receive (v.4).

Second, He is Blessed because He gives mercy. Biblical mercy can be defined as "giving someone that they cannot get themselves." We can't choose ourselves. We cannot put ourselves in God's family. We have to be born into that. Mercy is why He caused that to happen. Note that it is "great" mercy. He has given us a large quantity of mercy!

Third, He is Blessed because He caused us to be born again. And we were born again into a living hope - a confident expectation. It is a LIVING hope. The reason our hope is alive is because Jesus is alive! Our hope continues to live because the Christ continues to live.

There are so many reasons to bless the Lord - so many reasons to praise the Lord. Primarily, we should praise Him for the salvation He has given through Jesus. Today, praise the Lord for that. Bless the Lord by living for His glory. And be a blessing to someone else by telling them about our blessed Lord! I love you, and God does too!

Corey Sawyers is the preaching minister for the Martin Church of Christ and an adjunct instructor for Bear Valley Bible Institute. He is Melody's husband and Daddy to Garrett (and Bailey), Gordon (and Lauren), and Gannon. This coming Monday and Tuesday, he will be teaching at Parkway Church of Christ's VBS in Fulton, KY. You are invited to be there!