It's a beautiful part of growing up - the waiting, the anticipation. When I asked my middle son, Gordon, about his wedding day this Saturday, he replied, "WE FINALLY MADE IT!" Growing up, you have to wait to see Santa. Wait for the parade to begin. Wait for the younger ones. Wait until we get to Mamaw and Papaw's house. Wait to drive, for graduation, for your wedding day. But in all those moments, the joy of anticipation made the wait worth it, filling us with hope and excitement.
Psalm 130 is the eleventh of fifteen "Songs of Ascent," psalms sung on the way to the temple in Jerusalem for worship. In it, the unknown psalmist is crying out to the Lord (v.1). He is confessing his sin and reminding himself (and others) of what the Lord has done - reminders of why they are on their way to worship Him. He cries out for mercy (1-2), forgiveness (3-4), hope (5-6), and confidence (7-8).
It's in that third section we find Psalm 130:5. Twice in this verse, the psalmist uses the word "wait." The Hebrew word here means "to wait, look for, hope, expect." It can also be used to mean "to collect." In other words, it isn't just waiting. It is waiting with an expectation to receive something desired. This is the essence of Biblical "hope," a powerful concept that fills us with reassurance and confidence.
If the Lord kept a record of our sins (v.3), who could stand? The answer is "no one." But the psalmist assures us we don't have to tremble in dread. We can wait, hope, desire, and expect the Lord to restore us and forgive us. This is the comforting truth of God's forgiveness, a testament to His love and mercy.
I cannot justify myself, and I cannot solve my sin problem. However, I do not have to face the future with dread. A merciful God forgives. One day, because of his grace, I can expect to hear "enter into rest" rather than the record of my sins—because Jesus has washed them away. That day we are waiting for will be better than all the Christmases combined!
Today, confess your wrongs to the Lord, trust in Him, and find confidence in His love. And look forward to being with Him because of His grace! I love you, and God does, too!