The city of Sharon discussed the Infrastructure Planning Grant at their Monday, September 9 board meeting. The grant would cover the lagoon influent pumping station flow meter and also for cleaning and close circuit tv of the sewer mains to select the worst part in the system. The scope would be limited to the maximum project of $200,000 which would not cover the entire system. The match for the grant is only 5%. The city was advised by their water and sewer operator of how old their system is to apply for the grant. The board voted unanimously to apply for the grant.
The city also discussed a contract with Jim Cooper, a certified water and sewer operator, for the city. Cooper has been certified for 30 plus years. Stricklin said that Cooper was working on several projects for the city. The contract would be for $5,000 per month. The board unanimously approved the contract for five years. The advantage of a five-year contract is the price is guaranteed not to fluctuate.
During citizens input, Pragneshkumar A. Patel requested an application for a beer permit as the new owner of Marathon gas station in Sharon. Patel’s background check came through fine and the board approved his application with Wanda Hamlin abstaining. Alderman Hamlin stated that she had concerns regarding the children in the area and would hate to see anything be a problem. Patel alleviated concerns by informing the board of cameras located in the gas station and that his cashiers were trained to not sell to anyone under the age of 21. Police Chief Gary Eddings also stated that the department works with The Weakley County Prevention Coalition in sending in doing checks at the gas stations to ensure compliance twice a year.
The City of Sharon discussed hiring a laborer for the Public Works Dep at their board meeting held Monday, September 9. Sharon Mayor Donna Stricklin stated that the city had taken applications and the board had looked those over. The board recommended hiring Jake Green, who also works for the Fire department and this was passed unanimously. The pay will start at $14.00 per hour and move up to $15.00 per hour after 6 months.
The city board also discussed an employee raise for Brian Tuttle who has worked for the city for 23 years. The pay raise was for $16.50 per hour and was passed unanimously by the board and will be retroactive to the date Tuttle started working by himself.
Sharon’s Corn & Music Festival is in full swing. Tonight from 5 – 7 p.m. there will be a ham and bean supper at the Sharon Fire Department, adult bingo at 7 p.m. with an entry fee of $5 and kid bingo is free. This event is sponsored by Wendell Alexander Realty and there will be a door prize drawing.
On Friday, September 20 there will be food trucks at 5 p.m. downtown, Jordan Skoda and the Damwrights Band at 6 p.m. and The Magic of Michael Clayton at 6 p.m. There will be a popsicle/freezer giveaway sponsored by Sharon Furniture and Appliance. At 7 p.m. there will be a street dance and food trucks and Typsy Gypsy sponsored by Smith Farms. A door prize will be drawn.
On Saturday, September 21 there will be food trucks, arts and crafts and vendors downtown at 2 p.m. From 2 – 5 p.m. there will be a Cruise In sponsored by Weakley County Fence, A Petting Zoo, Carnival Games, Face Painting and Bouncers sponsored by David and Donna Sims & Family, a parade sponsored by Simmons Bank at 5:30 p.m., music by Cade Doyle Band after the parade followed by Deep Roots and a door prize sponsored by Skyhawk Rentals with a fireworks show at dusk sponsored by Robinson and Belew.