Soybeans planted in Tennessee were estimated at 1.70 million acres, up 100,000 acres from 2023. Acres harvested for grain, at 1.67 million acres, was 100,000 acres above acres a year ago. U.S. soybean planted area for 2024 was estimated at 86.1 million acres, up 3% from last year. Area for harvest, at 85.3 million acres, is up 4% from 2023.
Acreage planted to corn in Tennessee was estimated at 850,000 acres, down 90,000 acres from 2023. Acres harvested for grain was estimated at 800,000 acres, down 90,000 acres from last year. The U.S. corn planted for all purposes in 2024 was estimated at 91.5 million acres, down 3% from last year. Growers expect to harvest 83.4 million acres for grain, down 4% from last year.
Upland cotton acreage in Tennessee was estimated at 300,000, up 35,000 acres from 2023. The U.S. total upland cotton acreage is estimated at 11.5 million acres, up 14% from the previous year.
Farmers in Tennessee intend to set an estimated 2,000 acres of burley tobacco for harvest. This was 1,000 acres below the 2023 level. Dark fire-cured tobacco acreage set was estimated at 3,200 acres, down 1,900 acres from the previous year. Dark air-cured tobacco acreage was estimated at 900 acres, down 300 from a year ago.
Burley producing states acreage for harvest was estimated at 25,000 acres, 20% below last year. Winter wheat seeded acreage in Tennessee was estimated at 380,000 acres, 90,000 acres below the previous year. Acreage harvested for grain was estimated at 310,000 acres, 80,000 acres below 2023. The U.S. winter wheat planted area was estimated at 33.8 million acres, down 8% from 2023. Area harvested for grain was forecast at 25.8 million acres, up 5% from last year.
Alfalfa hay acreage in Tennessee was estimated at 12,000 acres, down 4,000 from the 2023 crop. All other hay was estimated at 1.68 million acres, down 20,000 from a year ago. The U.S. all hay acreage was estimated at 51.5 million acres, down 2% from 2023.