William Alexander Barnett of Dresden was charged with Failure to Appear and Violation of Probation on August 15
Jeffrey Alan Boykin of Martin was charged with Driving on Rev/Sus License on August 18
Michael Lynn Bynum of Gleason was charged with Violation of Probation on August 14
Aviva Rose Conn of Martin was charged with Filing False Report on August 17
Alex Anthony Diebold of Dresden was charged with Driving on Rev/Sus License 2nd Offense on August 15
Channing Nicholas Edwards of Gleason was charged with DUI: 1st Offense on August 18
Jennifer Leigh Goad of Greenfield was charged with Failure to Appear X2 on August 16
Emalee Grace Gooch of Dresden was charged with Disorderly Conduct on August 16
Shaina Marie Gordon of Gleason was charged with Violation of Probation on August 14
Cherri Lynn Hufford of Dresden was charged with Failure to Appear and Resisting Stop, Frisk, Halt, Arrest on August 15
Tori Brianne Jones of Dresden was charged with Failure to Appear, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (Meth Related), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Simple Possession on August 17
Beau Redden Kelly of Martin was charged with DUI: 1st Offense on August 18
Austin Joe King of Palmersville was charged with But, Sell, Rec, Poss Stolen Property, Fabricating/Tampering with Evidence and Failure to Appear on August 13
Jerry Alton Morgan of Martin was charged with Driving on Rev/Sus License and Failure to Appear on August 12
Rebecca Lyn Pate of Martin was charged with Domestic Assault on August 13
Harold Roger Patterson of Martin was charged with DUI: 1st Offense on August 15
Chase Sanders Ragsdale of Martin was charged with DUI: 1st Offense, and Possession of a Weapon Under Influence on August 17
Shelby Shanice Rivers of Humbolt was charged with Failure to Appear on August 16
Dustin Michael Roberts of Sharon was charged with Evading Arrest, Motor Vehicle Theft and Resisting Stop, Frisk, Halt Arrest X2 on August 15
Robyn Laney Roney of Gleason was charged with Failure to Appear on August 16
Trevonte Ja’Shawn Rucker of Martin was charged with Domestic Assault on August 12
Tina Rietta Tackett of Dresden was charged with Failure to Appear on August 15
Karleishia Lynette Tarver of Martin was charged with Criminal Trespassing on August 18
Dylan Scott Thomas of Sharon was charged with Violation of Probation (Circuit) on August 15
Mark Allen Thomas of McKenzie was charged with Poss of Meth for Distrib, Mfg, Del, Sale, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Simple Possession on August 12
Julie Denise Trullinger of Dresden was charged with Failure to Appear on August 14
John Cameron Williams of Dresden was charged with Failure to Appear on August 14
Sean Lucas Williams of Jackson was charged with Harassment on August 17