Ned McWherter W.C. Library kicked off its summer reading program Wednesday, June 5 with West Tennessee PBS where everyone’s favorite masked book bandit “Rocky T” continued his adventures to promote reading. Rocky had a blast and so did all of the participating children, even singing happy birthday to one visitor.
On Friday, June 7 the summer reading adventure continued with “Adventures with Madison Endres and the West Tennessee Public Utility District” where Endres explained how important it is to dial 8-1-1 before digging, natural gas, how to identify leaks, different colors of yard signs and what they mean and who to call in case of an emergency.
Children sat enraptured as they got to handle pipes, learn what natural gas smelled like and even sit in an excavator seat to see how it worked.
Summer reading adventures will continue next week with “Story Time and Crafting Adventures” with Anna Clark on Monday, June 10.
On Wednesday, June 12 Smokey the Bear, Froggy 103.7 and Handheld Food Truck will be at the library at 10 a.m. for a “Wednesday Triple Headers.”
The library has been holding the Summer Reading Program for approximately 35 years in Dresden.
For more information please call 731-364-2678 or email
The library is located at 341 Linden Street in Dresden and their website is